from the desk of
Louise Hayne


Meet Louise Hayne

Hi and welcome.

As a single mum of an active 12 year old boy life can be pretty hectic. His never ending sports aspirations, equipment, dreams and school responsibilities have at times been financially draining. Even saddening.

I have worked in huge corporate endeavors. Worked 50-60 hours/week to make ends meet. My beautiful son was constantly in someone else’s care as I became angry, frustrated and sad.

Finally I found a job where the hours suited and the financial rewards were good however, I was craving more
Not wanting to work in the ‘rat race’ forever I often pondered how I could escape. How could I get off the merry –go-round of bills and work?

Not wanting to just scrape through I constantly day dreamed of a better way of making money. Money that could grow continually and provide for my son and I no matter what was going on.

Finally my dear friend Dave presented this opportunity to me.

Initially I was disinterested saying “I’ve tried these sorts of things before and had limited success – I’m not interested”

I avoided looking for months. Fortunately he persevered.

One day, to get him to stop harassing, me I agreed to have a look.

That night I knew I had found the most lucrative home business on the planet.

Yes that’s right Zeek Rewards is the most lucrative home business on the plant.
I kid you not!

While I’m at work each day my Zeek Rewards business is growing and giving me returns I could only have imagined.

In my first 30 days I made in excess of $6300.  PLUS that figure is growing right now - As you are visiting my website the amount of money I earn is growing daily – yes, right this minute!

Zeek rewards is without doubt the best decision I have made for my son and I.

I sincerely hope you too make contact with me so that I am able to share with you the most amazing home business on the plant.

Lou x